Insureds with Marijuana Operations Must Be Mindful of Illegal Acts Exclusions

Recreational and medical marijuana use laws have been enacted in many states.  Much has been written regarding the conflict between these state statutes, which permit marijuana operations, versus federal law, which considers such operations illegal.  Businesses and other organizations have had to educate themselves on how these marijuana laws affect their employment practices, transportation rules, … Continued

Expert Tips: Are You Prepared for a Product Recall?

Your organic vegetable snack bar has been selling like crazy. I’m talking hockey stick growth year after year. It is a top retailer seller nationwide and it was picked by two magazines as their favorite food product of the year. Your business has grown from a promising startup to become one of the nation’s premier brands in the health food … Continued

Expert Tips: Revitalizing a Safety Plan with Communication

As mentioned in Cutting Costs: by Adding Safety to Your Strategic Initiatives, Mt. Macrina Manor reversed skyrocketing insurance costs by revitalizing a complete team approach to keeping employees safe and healthy. The Challenge When faced with the challenge of changing a culture in an organization of 100 or more employees, an all hands on deck … Continued

Pennsylvania Employers: Potential Changes to Your Workers’ Compensation Program

What You Need to Know On June 20, 2017, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that the Impairment Rating Evaluation (IRE) process was unconstitutional because the General Assembly is not permitted to delegate its authority to issue impairment rating guidelines to a non-legislative body, or in the Protz case, the American Medical Association (AMA).  See Protz … Continued

Social Engineering: the Crime That Involves Your Cooperation

It sounds like far-fetched technology from a spy movie:  an enemy agent lays in wait, spying on C-level employee’s email and instant messaging. For months, they observe patterns and language; learn personal details; and communication styles. They also catch and release each correspondence to seize control and impersonate an officer when the moment is just … Continued

Cyber Liability, Social Engineering, and Professional Liability: What is the Difference?

The continued rise in the amount of information stored and transferred electronically has resulted in a remarkable increase in the potential exposures facing businesses.  A traditional business liability policy is extremely unlikely to protect against most cyber exposures. Standard commercial policies are written to insure against injury or physical loss and will do little, if … Continued