New Self-Compliance Checklist for Health Reform

The DOL has just recently released a “self-compliance tool” that addresses health reform issues. This new tool is very similar to a self-compliance HIPAA checklist provided by the DOL quite awhile ago. Both of these checklists can be found at the DOL’s Health Benefits Laws Self Compliance Tools webpage. Although not required, these self-compliance tools … Continued

More Explanation on the Shared Employer Responsibility Provision (Play or Pay)

Our HBI staff has been fielding a lot of questions about this particular health reform provision. We expect HHS and the Department of Treasury to continue to release additional guidance and clarification in addition to the lengthy notices and FAQs already produced. This particular update is a summary of the questions we have been receiving … Continued

DOL Provides Guidance on FMLA Leave to Care for Adult Children

The Department of Labor (DOL) issued an interpretation letter to provide guidance on when an eligible employee may take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to care for a child who is 18 years of age or older. In this letter, the DOL: Clarifies that the age of a son or daughter … Continued

Henderson Brothers Hires George Heigel and Amanda Hohenberger

Henderson Brothers, Inc., has hired George Heigel and Amanda Hohenberger. Heigel joins the firm’s employee benefits division as a financial analyst and Hohenberger joins as an account analyst in the firm’s small business unit. Henderson Brothers, based downtown, is one of Western Pennsylvania’s largest providers of insurance, risk management and employee benefits advisory services. Heigel … Continued

Sean Ganoe Joins HBI Employee Benefits Division as Assistant Vice President

PITTSBURGH – November 28, 2012 – Sean Ganoe, a veteran in the employee benefits industry, has joined Henderson Brothers, Inc., as assistant vice president in the Benefits Consulting Practice. Based downtown, Henderson Brothers is one of Western Pennsylvania’s largest providers of insurance, risk management, financial services and employee benefits advisory services. Sean brings more than … Continued

Standards Related to Essential Health Benefits

The Affordable Care Act directs health insurance issuers that offer non-grandfathered health insurance coverage in the individual and small group market to make certain health plans offered include the Essential Health Benefits package starting January 1, 2014. The proposed regulations indicate that this Essential Health Benefit requirement, along with certain cost-sharing limitations, shall apply to … Continued

A Note from Our President: Health Care Reform – Full Steam Ahead

With Tuesday’s election behind us, we now have a much clearer path in front of us as regards to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). With a divided Congress, any efforts to legislatively change portions of the ACA will require support from both parties. While we anticipate that minor changes will be debated … Continued

The NCCI Split Point Changes

Significant changes are on the horizon for states subscribing to the National Council on Compensation Insurance’s (NCCI) workers compensation experience mod rating system. The NCCI recently announced that it will be making changes to the split point between primary and excess losses over the next several years. Many states will adopt the new rating method … Continued

Health Care Reform Timeline

This Henderson Brothers Summary provides a timeline of the of key reform provisions that affect employers and individuals. This timeline starts with 2010 requirements and ends at 2018. Please feel free to contact your HBI representative if you would like more detail regarding any of these Affordable Care Act reform provisions. Key Health Reform Provisions … Continued