Expert Tips: Cut Costs by Adding Safety to Your Strategic Initiatives

Where does the safety and well-being fit into a company’s goals and strategic initiatives? We often hear of companies promoting wellness to assist employees in pursuing healthier lifestyle goals. Step programs and healthy eating coaching are two example programs prevalent today in the workplace; employers assist employees in making healthy choices and gain, too, through … Continued

HSAs: Health Savings Accounts

Health savings accounts (HSAs) are a growing trend in health care. An HSA is a tax-exempt savings account established for the purpose of paying for the qualified medical expenses of an individual and/or his or her spouse and tax dependents. HSAs are designed to provide eligible individuals with the following federal tax benefits: HSA contributions … Continued

Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act: What You Need to Know

Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act (MMA or the Act), 35 Pa. C.S.A §10231.101, et seq., became effective May 17, 2016. The MMA introduces a new industry to Pennsylvania and establishes rules and procedures for how that industry is intended to operate, from growers to patients. Potential Impact For starters, federal law impacts how employers will comply … Continued

Pennsylvania Employers: Potential Changes to Your Workers’ Compensation Program

What You Need to Know On June 20, 2017, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that the Impairment Rating Evaluation (IRE) process was unconstitutional because the General Assembly is not permitted to delegate its authority to issue impairment rating guidelines to a non-legislative body, or in the Protz case, the American Medical Association (AMA).  See Protz … Continued

Social Engineering: the Crime That Involves Your Cooperation

It sounds like far-fetched technology from a spy movie:  an enemy agent lays in wait, spying on C-level employee’s email and instant messaging. For months, they observe patterns and language; learn personal details; and communication styles. They also catch and release each correspondence to seize control and impersonate an officer when the moment is just … Continued

Cyber Liability, Social Engineering, and Professional Liability: What is the Difference?

The continued rise in the amount of information stored and transferred electronically has resulted in a remarkable increase in the potential exposures facing businesses.  A traditional business liability policy is extremely unlikely to protect against most cyber exposures. Standard commercial policies are written to insure against injury or physical loss and will do little, if … Continued

Protecting Your Family from Radon Gas

Radon gas is responsible for 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year, or 58 deaths per day. It carries approximately 1,000x the risk of death as any other EPA carcinogen. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that nearly one out of every 15 homes in the United States has an unsafe level of radon gas. All homeowners … Continued

Expert Tips: Preparing for Litigation

There is no secret that today we live in a more litigious society. More injured parties are opting to retain attorneys instead of dealing direct with the insurance adjuster. Injury and property damage claims that were once resolved between the injured party and the insurance company are now going into litigation. A business owner needs … Continued

Expert Tips: Contractual Risk Transfer

In this world of complex business relationships, it’s always a good idea to transfer as much risk as possible to the party that is creating or controlling a particular exposure to loss. So whether you’re hiring a contractor to do work for you, leasing some space in your building to a new tenant or bringing … Continued

15 Tips for Protecting Your Identity on the Internet

“I am so worried about protecting myself online. Between phishing, identity theft, and credit card fraud, how can I protect myself online? Should I stop shopping on the internet?” It’s been reported that 9 in 10 Internet users have had their personal data compromised, though many remain unaware.  While it may be impossible to guarantee … Continued