Does Insurance Coverage Respond to Disputes Involving Voluntary Compliance Programs?

A recent decision from the Sixth Circuit reveals how exclusions in your D&O policy might negatively impact your compliance activities. In the case of Barber v. Arch Insurance Company, 2021 U.S. App. LEXIS 20368 (6th Cir. July 7, 2021) (“Barber”), the court determined a coal company’s D&O policy would not supply coverage, because the company’s … Continued

APIs: What’s the Hype?

Things are changing so fast in the world of HR technology, it’s hard to keep up. Notably, data integrations are leading the charge. Technology providers and insurance carriers alike are touting a better way to exchange data than the traditional, HIPAA 834 file (or EDIs). The term “API” clogs their blog posts and sales collateral, … Continued

All-In-One Versus Point Solutions

The most common question or issue is whether it makes sense for an employer to utilize one “all-in-one” HCM solution for all of their HR technology needs, or if a multiple “point solutions” is the better approach. The idea that there is a single HCM solution that can address all your HR technology needs is … Continued

Expect An Expert Episode 5: Builders’ Risk

A Builder’s Risk policy is a variation of a property policy that offers protection in construction scenarios not typically not seen in a standard property policy. In this episode of Expect An Expert, we are joined by our commercial insurance experts Clem Wandrisco and Dan Coast, as they elaborate on Builders’ Risk policies, explain certain … Continued

Whitepaper: Cyber Liability & Multi-Factor Authentication

In a post-SolarWinds world, what do you need to know now about your application for cyber liability insurance? Throughout December 2020, the cyberattack of the major tech firm, SolarWinds, came to light. As the situation unfolded, we learned more about the extent of that attack and the other organizations potentially affected—FireEye, Microsoft, the Department of … Continued

Whitepaper: Do You Know How Severe Your Marine Loss Could Be?

The news recently broke that the vessel, the Ever Given, blocking the Suez Canal for nearly a week has been freed and that the canal should be open again soon. This raises important questions for blue water and brown water insurance claims. When determining what the proper limits should be to insure our marine exposures … Continued

Cyber Liability Alert: the “Hafnium” Attack on Global Email Servers

Henderson Brothers’ cyber liability practice group needs you to be aware of one of the latest, most significant cyber attacks to date: in recent days there have been alerts about a “Hafnium” attack on global email servers. This issue is very widespread and could impact more than 60,000 companies. This is important to note, and … Continued

It’s Time for a Heart-to-Heart about Heart Health!

February marks American Heart Month, a great time to commit to managing your heart’s health. While heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, the good news is that heart disease is often preventable when people make healthy choices and manage their health conditions. Eighty percent of … Continued

Expect An Expert Episode 4: Driver Qualification Files

With auto insurance on the rise, fleet management is important now more than ever. Fleets operating vehicles over 10,001 pounds require that certain records be kept. Commercial vehicle operations require even more stringent files ensuring that drivers are safe, healthy, and qualified. Our Senior Risk Control Specialist, Fred Samson, covers what you need to know … Continued

You’re Invited: Benefits Webcast on 2/18/21

EEOC Proposed Wellness Rules: Game Changer? On January 7, 2021, the EEOC released its proposed rules for Participatory wellness programs.  The Biden Administration has since implemented a freeze of the regulations pending further review and alignment of priorities. If implemented, these rules will have a significant impact on most employer wellness programs by regulating incentives … Continued