HB Retirement Market Volatility Call for Plan Sponsors

Listen to the HB Retirement Market Volatility Call for Plan Sponsors (external link) This material is for general information only. It is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual, nor is it intended as authoritative guidance or tax or legal advice.. There is no assurance that the views or strategies discussed … Continued

Maintain Mental Health Well-Being During a Quarantine

In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization have recommended that individuals who may have been exposed to the disease self-quarantine at home for 14 days. In addition, public health officials are recommending that healthy individuals practice social distancing, staying at home … Continued

Can I Elect Cobra if I am Medicare Eligible?

Recently retired or retiring soon? Deciding what to do with your health insurance coverage can be a challenge, but we’re here to help. The following information is important to consider when planning retirement, and how to insure your healthcare needs. Q. What are my options for healthcare coverage when I retire? A. Your previous employer … Continued

Reviewing Certificates of Insurance

Insurance is an important component of many business transactions.  Whether you’re a construction company hiring subcontractors, a manufacturer contracting with a supplier for component parts, or anything in between, you require proof that the other party carries adequate insurance to protect them and you in the event of a claim.  This proof is provided in … Continued

Creating A Family Evacuation Plan

A Plan for everyone Take into account all of your household members including staff and pets, and discuss the plan with them. Because you might not have much time to evacuate, it is crucial to have a plan in place to get your family out of danger quickly and efficiently. Follow the family disaster plan … Continued

How To Win The War On Talent

By Chris Shipley, Vice President and Director of Emerging Markets I would bet that I see at least 2-3 articles a week about the strength of the economy and how it is creating a difficult job market for attracting and retaining quality employees. Additionally, I probably talk to at least one business each week that … Continued

Distracted Driving Quiz: Do you know the correct facts?

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Nearly half of all drivers feel less safe on the road than they did five years ago because of distracted driving. The Quiz: Do You Know the Correct Facts? One of these facts is incorrect. Can you spot it? Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the … Continued

Building a Financial Safety Net for Your Workforce

Hello, meet Mike.  Mike is the sole provider for his family.  He supports his wife, Jane, and two children, James and Ava.  He has a great job at Acme Corporation, but like many people, he struggles to pay for more than providing the basic necessities.  He depends highly on his paycheck week in and week … Continued